
Create and enter Budgets against ledger accounts across Dimensions (e.g. Cost Centers) and Locations from this page:



Filter the Date Range, Location, and Dimension to enter Budgets for and click Update. Budgets are entered monthly for the filters provided:

  • Start Date - Starting month for Budget entry (max of 12 months)
  • End Date - Last month for Budget entry (max of 12 months)
  • Dimension Type (optional) - Choose the Dimension Type (e.g. Cost Center, Product) to enter Budgets against.
  • Dimension (optional) - Choose the specific Dimension (e.g. Sales, Marketing) to enter a Budget against.
  • Location - adjust the Location Picker to enter Budgets for specific Locations

Budget Entry

Once the filters have been entered, enter Budgets by inputting an amount into the field for the corresponding Ledger Account and Month. 


Important considerations:


  • Budget amounts do not have an associated currency and there is no foreign exchange calculations between different Locations. It is recommended to enter Budgets in the reporting currency of the Global Location.
  • Budgets can be entered for a particular Dimension OR for the Ledger Account with no Dimension selected. If amounts are entered against a Ledger Account with a Dimension selected (e.g. Cash with Cost Center: Sales), as well as an amount against just the Ledger Account (e.g. Cash), those amounts will be summed when viewing a Budget Report with no Dimensions to filter down further. For example, a Budget of $50 entered for Cash with Dimension Cost Center: Sales selected and a Budget of $100 for Cash with no Dimension selected would result in a Budget of $150 when viewing the Budget with no Dimensions selected in the Budget Report.
  • Similarly, Budgets entered for Locations that roll up to another Location will be included in the Budget Report when viewing the Parent Location. For example, Company B is a subsidiary of Company A, if a Budget of $50 is entered in Company B and a Budget of $100 is entered for Company A, the total Budget for Company A would be $150 when viewing the Budget Report for Company A.


Other Actions

  • Filter the Ledger Account column in the Budget table, such as filtering "Cash" to enter Budget amounts for the Ledger Accounts containing "Cash".
  • Paginate through to other pages to enter Budgets with the page numbers and buttons at the bottom of the page.
  • Adjust the Monthly Periods represented with the column selector
  • Save Changes - this will appear once you've made an entry into a Budget field. Be sure to click Save Changes before navigating away from this page or all entered information will be lost.


Once you have entered the Budgets for a certain period to your satisfaction, you can navigate to Reports>Budget to view the Budget Report.