The Invoice Detail tab under Accounts Receivable>Invoices>Detail aggregates all line item information entered in Invoices. You can use this tab to filter and review the contents of Invoices all together in one place:
Invoice Details Available
Many of the columns of the Invoice Detail page reference the Invoice that the line item falls under:
Number - Unique identifier for the Invoice of the line item
Status - Current status of the Invoice (Created, Partial Payment, Voided, Paid, Issued)
Item - The Item/Description for the Invoice (see icons below to determine between them)
Customer - Customer of Invoice
Location - Location of Invoice
Invoice Date - Date of Invoice
Created Date - the date the Invoice was created
Last Updated - the date of the most recent update to the Invoice
Ledger Account - For Description line items, this will be the alternate side of the journal entry from the AR Account. For Items line items, this will be the Invoice Account set up when creating the Item.
Cost Center - Cost Center associated with Invoice (if any)
Product - Product associated with Invoice (if any)
Job - Job associated with Invoice (if any)
Custom Dimensions - Custom Dimension associated with Invoice (if any)
Default Sales Price - the default sales price for the Item
Default Purchase Price - the default purchase price for the Item
Amount - Price per Description/Item
Quantity - Number of Description/Item
Tax - Tax entered manually or from a Tax Code (if any)
Total - Quantity * Amount + Tax Amount
The Items column can be either a Description/Item:
The clipboard icon indicates a Description for the line item
The triangle icon indicates an Item for the line item
Invoice Detail Table Actions
Filters - Filter what appears in the table based on one or more fields available in the table.
Saved Views - You can create a set of filters that you would like to save to be able to quickly filter a table.
Column Selector - Hide and reveal extra columns and the number of rows visible in the table per page.
Export - Table data can be exported using the export button at the top of the table.
Click the blue highlight text under the Number column to bring up the original Invoice for the line item
Click the blue highlight text of the Item in the Item column to bring up the Item details
Click the blue highlight text of the Customer to bring up the full Customer details
Sort most columns in ascending or descending order