How does it work?

  • Exports download one at a time
  • When additional Exports are initiated, they will enter queue
    • Any queued or running export can be cancelled
  • Row order from the UI is preserved
  • Column order from the UI is preserved (but not customizable)
    • Only selected columns will export
  • Exports are exported as .xlsx files

  1. Once an export is started the icon will be disabled and show a loading spinner
  2. This a list of exports queued for download
  3. This row will now show in the navigation menu when any exports are running or queued. The number indicates how many exports are queued(inclusive of running export).
  4. This is the progress bar on the active export. The number indicates how many rows have been processed so far for export.
  5. This is the cancel button, clicking this button for an active job will stop it and the next in the queue will become active. Clicking it for a queued job simply removes it from the queue

Important Considerations:

  1. Exports are limited to 100,000 rows at a time
  2. Any Columns with a header that ends in "date" will be exported in date format
    1. If you create a custom date field, be sure that the field ends in "date" to be sure to take advantage of this automation
  3. Queue table exports on any page and then navigate to others or create further exports to be sure you are not slowed down waiting for an export

NOTE: Exports are limited to 100,000 rows at a time

These exports have not been affected

  • Trial balance
  • General Ledger Summary
  • Financial Reports