Crypto Withdrawals are created to decrease the balance of the Asset Account for the Coin used in the Withdrawal.
Add Withdrawal
Click the +New button and make sure the top dropdown box for transaction Type is set to 'Withdrawal'. Note: This is the most manual way to bring transactions into the system, and it is recommended to use the SoftLedger API, Excel Upload Templates, and Integrations whenever possible.
Enter all required fields and click submit. You can also click the down arrow next to the submit button and click 'Submit and New' to open a new blank Withdrawal to complete.
Input Fields
- Date - The timestamp the transaction occurred in UTC Timezone.
- Ledger Account - The Ledger Account which sits on the debit side of the Journal Entry (credit is Coin Asset Account). Note: For a Withdrawal, this is commonly a Cash Ledger Account.
- Sent Coin - Coin withdrawn (these are created from integrations, uploads, or previously on the Crypto>Coins page). Sent Wallet must be selected prior to selecting the Sent Coin.
- Sent Wallet - Wallet Withdrawn from (these are created previously on the Crypto>Wallets page).
- Sent Quantity - Total number of Coins Withdrawn.
- Sent Per Coin Price - Fiat price per Coin at the time of the Withdrawal. Click the 'Get Rate' icon to pull the market weighted average rate for the selected timestamp.
- Fee Coin - Coin used to pay fee. Fee Wallet must be selected prior to selecting the Fee Coin.
- Fee Quantity - Total number of Coins used to pay fee.
- Fee Per Coin Price - Fiat price per Coin used to pay fee. Click the 'Get Rate' icon to pull the market weighted average rate for the selected timestamp.
- Currency - Fiat currency of the Per Coin Price field(s).
- Customer - Optional Customer associated with this transaction.
- Vendor - Optional Vendor associated with this transaction
- Reference - Optional reference text (Will be set as the description field for the Journal Entry created from the transaction).
- Notes - Optional long text field.
- TX Hash - Optional field to store the hash if it is an on-chain transaction.
Note: You can edit any create crypto transaction so long as the transaction is not in a closed accounting period.