Step 1: Click +New to add new user

Navigate to Admin>Users and click the +New button to add new Users to your SoftLedger system and complete the below required fields. 

Note: Phone Number is required in the event of a User requiring a reset of the MFA function due to losing or replacing their phone.

Step 2: Adjust User's Location access

Select the User's visible locations by clicking the Globe icon. When logged in, the user will only be able to see transactions from this Location and its child Locations:

Step 3: Adjust User's Roles

Update user's Roles

To remove a role, click the X next to the assigned role on the left. To add a role, click the + next to the available role on the right. Then click submit. 

Step 4: User's receive Welcome Email

Once a user has been added by the admin user with the proper Location and Roles assigned, they will receive a welcome email to softledger. 

Forgot you password?

Users can reset their pass by accessing the login page of their the environment (e.g.,, etc) and clicking the "Forgot Password" button:

Note: If adding a user for multi-tenant use, this single-sing-on must be accomplished by the SoftLedger support team. Contact and request the tenants you would like the user to have access to. When trying to add a user that exists in another tenant, you will receive a "User Already Added" error.

Tool Tip - Give Full Access with One Click