Bring Journal Entries into SoftLedger in bulk, through adding Journal Entry details into a bulk import template.

Upload Fields

Below are the available fields within the upload template:

  • Journal.number - Unique ID specific to this excel document that groups line items together to form one journal entry (this will not be the Journal ID within the system, that ID is auto assigned by the system).

  • transactionDate -  Transaction date of entry (this cannot be in the future, as this is the date used for foreign currency exchange rates). Format for this date should be YYYY-MM-DD.

  • postedDate - Posted date of entry. Format for this date should be YYYY-MM-DD (this is often considered the accounting date, as it drives which reports a journal line will fall into).

  • Description - 255 character line item text field.

  • debit - debit amount of entry.

  • credit - credit amount of entry.

  • eliminate - This can be set to either "true" or ""false", with the lines marked as true creating elimination lines for the line item of the journal (note that certain lines of a single journal can eliminate while others do not). If the System Setting to Allow for Eliminations is Enabled, this will default to creating elimination lines for any journal lines that have intercompany location and account information included.

  • Journal.sourceLedger - Source Ledger of entry (this field is case sensitive, must be one of "Financial" "AR" "AP" "Inventory"). For standard Journal Entries, this should be set as "Financial".

  • Journal.reference - 255 character text field for this entry.

  • - Location ID value for this line item. You can set and review Location IDs under the Financial>Locations table.

  • - Intercompany Location ID value for this line item. You can set and review Location IDs under the Financial>Locations table.

  • LedgerAccount.number - Ledger Account number for this line item (Omit any leading zeros).

  • ICAccount.number - IC Ledger Account number for this line item. Omit any leading zeros. Required if is set. If entering a debit value line item, the IC entry in the IC location will be the credit side. If entering a credit value line item, the IC entry in the IC location will be the debit side.

  • entryType - Entry type for this Journal Entry (must be one of "Standard" or "Reversing", if reversing, reverseDate is required, and note this field is case sensitive).
  • reverseDate - Date Journal entry should be reversed (must be on or after postedDate).
  • Journal.notes - Long form text for this entry.
  • - Customer ID for this line item.

  • - Vendor ID for this line item.
  • - Cost Center ID value for this line item.
  • - Product ID value for this line item.
  • Job.number - Job number for this line item.

Important Considerations:

  • Fields headers are not case sensitive.

  • Once you have added in custom dimensions, you can use them in bulk uploads by adding a column to the bulk journal, invoice, and bill upload templates with the name of the custom dimension followed by ".id".

  • All grouped fields for Journal.<xyz> should be the same value (i.e. Journal.sourceLedger and postedDate should be the same value for all grouped Journal.number rows).

  • Within the template, the fields highlighted in yellow are required.

File Upload Process

  1. Select the saved upload file by clicking Choose File.

  2. Select the currency to upload these Journal Entries in (each upload can only be in one currency).

  3. The file will either upload with a 'completed' status, or return errors in a 'failed' status (Depending on the number of entries, this could take several minutes to upload).

Troubleshooting errors:

If there is one or more errors. A table of errors will appear. The first column will either read "CSV Row" or "Journal Number"

  • CSV Row - signifies the row in the uploaded file causing the error(s) in the second column

  • Journal Number - signifies the Journal.number value causing the error(s). Usually a result of debit/credits not balancing

After resolving the errors, re-upload the file to complete the process.

Bulk Import Table
On the Bulk Journal Import tab, there is a table to review previous completed or failed upload attempts:

Table Actions:

  • Filters - Filter what appears in the table based on one or more fields available in the table.

  • Saved Views - You can create a set of filters that you would like to save to be able to quickly filter a table.

  • Column Selector - Hide and reveal extra columns and the number of rows visible in the table per page.

  • To review Journal Entries brought in from an upload, you can copy the ID value in the table, and then paste that into the 'System Job ID' field within the Financial>Journals tab.

For further reference on bulk uploads see this article: Bulk Uploads